Prediction of anaerobic threshold velocity through the peak treadmill velocity in ramp protocol for soccer players in preseason

Clayton de Avila Rodrigues, Jerri Luiz Ribeiro, Leonardo Alexandre Peyré Tartaruga, Giovani dos Santos Cunha, Alvaro Reischak de Oliveira


: Several studies indicate an association between the peak treadmill running velocity (VP) and the anaerobic threshold velocity (VLA) in ramp protocol. However, the information related to collective sports like soccer are insufficient. The main purpose of this study was to investigate the possibility of association between these variables. Twentyseven soccer players performed a maximal testing with spirometry and these velocities were determined. The resultant equation was: VLA = (1.014 x VP) - 3.520, VLA and VP in km.h-1, being r = 0.90; r² = 0.81; SEE = 0.62 km.h-1; and p < 0.001, respectively. These results demonstrate that the equation may be used to athletic parameters determination or to prescription of the effort intensity level.

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ISSN (Impresso) 0101-3289; ISSN (Eletrônico) 2179-3255
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