Este trabalho focaliza o basquete de rua a partir de duas questões norteadoras. A primeira busca analisar as racionalidades dos grupos envolvidos com essa prática, que se insere no movimento cultural do hip-hop; a outra, discute as tendências das estruturas de comunicação e informação ao abordar a dimensão do espetáculo que se revela nessas novas linguagens esportivas. O estudo aponta para a valorização do elemento estético no esporte e analisa a dimensão do espetáculo que se nutre a partir desse fenômeno. A refl exão que se faz considera as possibilidades de uma conseqüente manipulação do tecido sociocultural, transformando estética em produção e consumo e, em contrapartida, as manifestações de resistência a esses processos de convergência global das culturas urbanas.
Spectacle and refl exivity: the aesthetic dimension of streetball
The aim of this study is to examine the rationalities of the groups involved with streetball inserted into the cultural movement of the hip-hop and to discuss the trends of the
structures of communication and information to address the size of the spectacle. The study points to the appreciation of the aesthetic element in the sport and examines the size of the spectacle which feeds from this phenomenon. It is considered the possibilities of a subsequent handling of the sociocultural fabric, turning aesthetics in production and consumption and, on the other hand, manifestations of resistance to these processes of global convergence of
urban cultures.
Spectacle and refl exivity: the aesthetic dimension of streetball
The aim of this study is to examine the rationalities of the groups involved with streetball inserted into the cultural movement of the hip-hop and to discuss the trends of the
structures of communication and information to address the size of the spectacle. The study points to the appreciation of the aesthetic element in the sport and examines the size of the spectacle which feeds from this phenomenon. It is considered the possibilities of a subsequent handling of the sociocultural fabric, turning aesthetics in production and consumption and, on the other hand, manifestations of resistance to these processes of global convergence of
urban cultures.
- Não há apontamentos.
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